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Romy-Jane Ashmore is the Executive Assistant to the Managing Director, Assessment and his Senior Leadership Team at RM plc – a leading supplier of technology to the education sector.  Romy has over fifteen years of experience in providing support to Executives for both well-established, international companies and start-ups. 

At RM Romy has been trained and is qualified as a Mental Health Champion, so with the onset of the Pandemic, Romy decided to promote positivity, mental health and wellbeing across the 1,800-employee company, leading to her winning an internal Award for demonstrating and promoting the core behaviours of being an “RMer”; Romy then went on to win the PA Life Award of Multi-Tasker of the Year 2020, an achievement of which she is very proud. Romy has presented sessions on Mental Health and Wellbeing at the PA Show, The PA Club Lunchtime Learning Sessions, and participated in podcasts focused on Wellbeing, a subject that she feels very strongly about. Romy is driven and determined to succeed, coming from a background where mental health was a stigma that people were unable to accept or talk about, successfully breaking these boundaries to keep people positive in these challenging times. As a career-driven Executive Assistant Romy is well aware that the job really does encompass every aspect of daily life.

It is a privilege to have been asked to join the PA Show Advisory Board and Romy is very much looking forward to working with other, like-minded individuals in support of both the PA Show and the PA Network as a whole.

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