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BeSure to kick off 2025 in style

BeSure to kick off 2025 in style

Top tips for planning your 2025 kick-off event from Yorkshire born BeSure events.

You’ve barely closed the door on 2024’s event, there’s an (ahem) Christmas party still to plan and the ‘heads of’ are already talking about 2025’s kick off. Not to mention the day job and those bits that fall into ‘everything else’. At a time of the year when things can become a lot, we wanted to share our top tips on where to start when planning your 2025 kick off, things to consider & help you along the way…

  • Why oh why

What’s the purpose of the event? We always say start from the start. If you can really understand the why then you can really hit the brief & add value.

  • Home or away

At the office or offsite location? This really depends on the why, your space available & the budget. Here comes the science bit💡neuroscientist backed research found that the part of the brain which absorbs new information does so best in an unfamiliar, new and exciting environment - (ref Diary of a CEO)

  • Personalise for your peeps

What do your team want? Focus groups and feedback sessions whilst 2024 is fresh is not only a great way of collecting information but also keeps the momentum & buy-in to support future events.

  • Make it fun

So often we plan the logistics first and the content comes later. Back to the why, what are you delivering (and how) to make it stick. BeSure to plan in down time, creative time and casual dinners to allow those relationships to bloom & lightbulb moments to happen at leisure (best ideas in the shower – anyone else?!)


Want to know more?

We’ll be at this year’s PA summer summit on 17 July at the HAC & love a chat!

Or drop us a line: in the meantime!

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