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PA Show Summer Hero

25 May 2023

Changes to PA Life Club are Attracting Record Numbers of New Members

Changes to PA Life Club are Attracting Record Numbers of New Members

PA Life Club announced exciting changes at The PA Show March 2023. The changes have proven to be very popular in attracting a great number of new members. This is exactly what we were hoping for as we are on a mission to have as many PAs, EAs and other business support professionals in PA Life Club as possible in order to offer enhanced networking to our members and more introductions to our supplier partners.



Making the Club free to join is one of the main changes. After over 10 years of operating with a small annual membership fee we recognise that budgets are tight in these difficult and uncertain times. Since the scrapping of the annual fee the Club has received an influx of applications and is pleased to welcome new members from the whole of the UK. During the two days of The PA Show alone we had close to 200 new member applications and they keep coming in.

New members will all be qualified before we can confirm a membership in the PA Life Club. This is to ensure that we bring together Assistants who share the similar work environments and challenges in their daily roles as we feel that is a great basis for fruitful networking with their peers.



One of the new initiatives is the PA Life Club Mentoring Programme which has been met with great enthusiasm by the members. Time and again studies show that mentoring can play a significant role in career development, as well as contributing to personal development. We are inviting all members interested in being involved in this ground-breaking programme to get in touch. We are looking for both experienced PAs and EAs as mentors and those looking to receive professional guidance as mentees.


For more information and to sign up to PA Life Club please visit

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