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PA Show Summer Hero

Cyber Security - Everyone has heard of it, but what does it mean for you as a PA / EA?

Cyber Security - Everyone has heard of it, but what does it mean for you as a PA / EA?

How can you defend your senior leaders?

Ahead of the Summer Tech Summit, I wanted to share a tool you can use right now to be more cyber secure,

If you receive an email you are not sure of,  want to check a website, or an attachment to an email you can use to tell you how safe that file is. Dracoeye will give you a fast assessment of how safe the file or link is, so you are better informed.

It is completely free to use, and you can share it with your business as a free tool created by Th4tS3cur1ty.companyI will be sharing more insights like this at the Tech Summit, as well as how to become Guardians of Confidentiality for your business.

We will also cover how to spot a Phishing attempt, MFA and Password Management, How to Handle a Security Crisis like a Pro, and Supplier Management.

This will be a fun and engaging session, leaving you equipped to keep your business secure, and better equipped as Guardians of Confidentiality.


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