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The PA Way Petition to protect UK employees from bullying in the workplace

The PA Way Petition to protect UK employees from bullying in the workplace

Bullying has been recognised as the most common form of misconduct in the UK, with over a quarter (26%) of office employees having experienced or are experiencing this at some point in their career. There are currently 9.1 million people being affected by workplace bullying. This comes as a record number of bullying claims have resulted in lawsuits at UK employment courts over the past year.

Despite this, workplace bullying is not recognised as a crime in UK law. Some bullying behaviour may be covered by other legislation which has specific characteristics, for example on the grounds of race or gender – but there are no other penalties for bullying in itself. Other countries globally have laws in place to protect their employees as it is illegal to bully in organisations.

Skevi Constantinou, Founder and Director of The PA Way, has opened up a petition to call for action for UK Parliament to change the law and to protect UK employees. Skevi has experienced educational and workplace bullying to the highest degree and doesn’t want other people to endure in silence or not be represented.

All signatures remain anonymous and are not shared publicly.

You can sign the petition below to help create change for a better future for all.

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