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PA Show Summer Hero

02 Nov 2020

“I’m Sorry, No One is Available to Take your Call Right Now”

“I’m Sorry, No One is Available to Take your Call Right Now”
“I’m Sorry, No One is Available to Take your Call Right Now”

“I’m Sorry, No One is Available to Take your Call Right Now”.

Speaking to my mum the other evening, socially distanced, of course, I heard about her frustrations trying to get through to someone whilst calling for an update on her recent order from a well-known kitchen supplier.

“I’ve called them 4 times and was put on hold for 5 minutes today before the line cut off…I won’t be buying from them again” she went on to say.

Now this company has lost a customer, a good customer at that. It got me thinking about how frustrating this is and how my mum is not alone. Nine months after Boris Johnson first plunged us all into a lockdown and some businesses are still struggling to provide good customer service.

A quick look through social media and you see countless others who are struggling to speak with businesses about their orders, accounts, bookings, or for any other reason. Blame seems to be pinned on the current crisis.

Why is that?

Admittedly, businesses are struggling to grapple with ever-changing pressures from the continuing Coronavirus crisis but surely as businesses we should be focusing on customer service now more than ever before. We must be there for our customers otherwise we won’t have customers to speak of. If we don’t give our customers great service and an accessible way of connecting with us they will buy someone who does.

Free Trial

To help and provide some support it is for this reason that I offer all the PA Show newsletter recipients a free, no-obligation trial of our Telephone Answering and Website Live Chat service. 

Successful businesses arise from problems being solved. Here at Face For Business, we solve the problem of missed opportunities and more importantly, how to never miss one. Our Personal Assistants answer calls on behalf of businesses across the UK ensuring no caller is frustrated and no opportunity is missed.

Our services are tailored to your needs and are available when you need them most.

Key Features:

  • Personal Assistants to answer your calls
  • Outsourced switchboard
  • Managed website live chat
  • Outsourced customer service
  • All calls are recorded
  • Listen and respond to messages using our app

For more information and to take advantage of our free trial please contact me directly.

This article was written by James Massey, Head of Sales, FFB

Tel: +44 (0)1704 898 400,

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