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08 Feb 2023

How TROOP helped a Fortune 500 saved over 250 tonnes of CO2

How TROOP helped a Fortune 500 saved over 250 tonnes of CO2

A Fortune 500 company asked TROOP to analyze its upcoming yearly global procurement meeting with 207 attendees worldwide. In the past, this meeting has always been held at the company's main headquarters in Seattle. However, this usually resulted in high costs, time lost to travel, and a big carbon footprint.

This time, the company wanted to be more environmentally responsible, so they asked TROOP to help them. They wanted to understand how cost, travel time, and CO2 emissions would vary if people met in regional clusters instead. They would then join virtually with other cluster meetings rather than traveling to one location.

So, TROOP ran analyses based on two options:

1. Everyone meeting in a single location at the company headquarters in Seattle.

2. Meeting in 4 regional clusters using TROOP to identify the best locations based on attendee origins. The locations TROOP identified as optimal were:

  • Seattle
  • Bogota
  • Madrid
  • Bali

The results were mind-blowing. The cluster meeting approach achieved a 77% reduction in costs, a 78% reduction in carbon emissions, and a 71% reduction in travel time compared to bringing everyone together to one location.

TROOP’s unique platform provides this data in minutes, on all meetings big and small. Meaning their customers can always pick the best location for every meeting and never waste time, money or unnecessary carbon.

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